TORIBASH - Strategic turn based fighting


2006-05-17: Toribash 1.8 released

New in this release:
A small update that fixes the annoying disqualified bugg with replays that shouldn't have that game rule

2006-05-13: Toribash 1.7 released

New in this release:
- Removed disqualified in single player. Now you only loose points if you hit the ground first
- Fixed network spectators
- More sick replays
- Sounds doesn't trigger as easily during replay

2006-04-22: Toribash 1.6 released

New in this release:
- network fixes
- new mouse cursor
- fight author gets a skin in heads/ if name matches (new heads for rbz and crz)
- new blue player color
- new TB icon

2006-04-14: Toribash 1.5 released

New in this release:
- a damaged joint (red joint) is easier to dismember
- rewrote network protocol. Better support for gripping and replay
- Some music
- new colors
- new characters
- new skin
- new game over sound
- bugfixes

2006-04-01: Toribash 1.4 released

New in this release:
- removed H,J buttons and added C button that toggels hold,relax all
- fixed sync problems in multiplayer
- SPACE should be enough to control most aspects of the game (replay, start new game etc)
- save replay is now in menus (ESC -> save replay)

2006-03-18: Toribash 1.3 released

New in this release:
- fixed single player, removed buttons
- should be able to control most stuff with SPACE, x, z and mouse now
- changed colors, looks like shit
- added textures on heads. If you login to multiplayer and a texture matches your nick you will get that on your head
- added menu for saving replay
- added FOUL and Disqualification in multiplayer game
- changed step time for multiplayer, 20 during stancing and 10 during fighting
- added port for multiplayer, 20184 i still default. If you want to try with another port email me and I will forward that port
- added fullscreen anti aliasing, only works on some cards and some modes

2006-03-09: Toribash 1.2 released

New in this release:
- added stancing
- fixed outlines that disappeared in multi player
- new sound when hitting foul

2006-03-03: Toribash 1.1 released

New in this release:
- Network test release. Please try out Multi Player game!!

2006-03-02: Toribash 1.0 released

New in this release:
- Network test release
