Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
Being old doesnt warrant legend status.
Winning clan league doesn't warrant legend status.
Having legendary members doesn't warrant legend status..

But all 3 combined? On top of any other achievements the clan might of achieved during its lifetime that I may not be aware of?

Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
A lot of their legendary members weren't even in inq during their prime. Hell, war_hero, a notable member of inq, wasn't even in the clan for a large portion of his career. Plus a portion of those players were in inq because they were in clans that were absorbed by inq in order to stay alive.

Maybe, maybe not (I really can't comment as I don't have a clear memory of what happened years ago). However, the fact that many legendary members have chosen to join the inq family (or joined during their prime) says a lot about the clan.

Originally Posted by Goat View Post
Alpha has won a majority of the clan leagues and they aren't legendary (usually given upon the death of a clan though).
Evil is almost 14 years old and is still alive.
Having legendary members inside a clan doesn't make the clan itself legendary. I understand you could make the case that T was a legends clan, but they were known for more than just having a lot of legendary players.

The most important thing I'd like to bring up is that just because a clan isn't legendary, doesn't mean the clan will be forgotten.

- Alpha and evil are still alive, as you've said
- I agree that only having legendary members in a clan is not enough to become legendary, but inq has more than that

Originally Posted by mwah View Post
tell me what are the paper achievements for inq (im not being facetious i really am not aware of inq's achievements)

I listed the ones I know of in my previous post. Would need an older player to name the ones I've missed seeing as I was barely active in toribash 10 years ago.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
You win clan league, you have legendary members, you stay alive for over a decade AND you're chock-a-block full of ex-staffers. Any of those reasons on their own aren't enough. Add them together and the combined weight of these achievements speaks to the remarkableness of this clan. As LiquidDoom said, Inq was pretty much always a pillar of the TB clan community - They defs deserve legendary status.

This pretty much sums up my point of view. I'm not going to lie, when I learned that legendary clans became a thing, I went to look for the inq thread in the legends board and was shocked not to see it on there. I'm glad this thread came up as it offered somewhat of an explanation (not that I agree with it, but it helped answer my questioning).

EDIT: Added responses and fixed typos
Last edited by Liquidoom; Dec 28, 2019 at 09:25 PM.
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