Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
I need help with POV-Ray, calling all resident experts
Here is what I'm doing: Making it so the .inc calculates the distance that the
camera moves from lastframe to thisframe, and then only moving it half of
that distance. The result, if successful, would be a smoother camera for
rendering povs.

After I figure this out, if possible, the part where it only moves the camera
half the distance will be changed to one-quarter, one-eighth, or any other
value, to determine how fast the camera accelerates.

The first frame that the macro is invoked, for the first frame, the macro is set
to use the camera's initial position only.

The problem is that when the #break is reached on line 48, pov-ray clears the
oxpos, oypos, and ozpos values declared in the macro that was invoked on
line 47. This means that the second time that the macro is invoked, when
the macro reaches line 25, it gives the parse error that 'oxpos' is an
"undeclared identifier."

Is there any known workaround for this? I've scavenged the 'net as well as
the help file.

Before running the .inc, set initial_frame=1 and final_frame=5
Attached Files
cameramove2.zip (843 Bytes, 9 views)
Hi. I used to be a damn good mod (wayback 2008 and earlier) and then veb made me not a mod.
Been playing competitive Team Fortress 2.