Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Do any of the Event Squad even do anything?
Before anyone comes forward and calls me a KlausSchwab2.0, I'm not hating on staff in any way... this is just a question I've had on my mind for a long time. (few years maybe)

I've always had a look at the staff members in the Event Squad these past years and wondered "Do any of these dudes even host events, tournaments, bets... anything " and I even looked back on the in-game Broadcast list and forum Events threads and not even a handful of them are to be seen, now some staff members have mentioned that "They do other stuff to help out" but that's a load of bullocks lads, when I was part of the Event Squad, there were some ES staff members that generally did nothing besides join some servers, twiddling their thumbs only to flash their colourful name and power so don't bother with that. (which sounds concerning and childish to me)

Now this doesn't include the lads that are actually important in that role like the mod makers, videomakers and artists since they do most of the work than the rest put together.

Taking it back to the reason of this thread, this is a genuine question/concern and I want to know if I'm missing the point of Event Squad or if the Event Squad staff needs a rebuild

I'd appreciate it if we get some normal responses/answers/debates and if a moderator of the Off-Topic could just remove the childish posts (Seen loads of piss-take posts sneak through that KlausSchwab fellas thread and none have been infracted/removed)