Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
How To Make A Good Tutorial
I am sad to say that I have noticed a decline in the art of tutorial making and have decided to take it upon myself to make a tutorial on how to make a tutorial.

1. Make a descriptive title.
I can't tell you how annoying it is to see titles like, "Best tut evar!!" or "Noob's jud0 tutoriel". I beg of you. Name it appropriately so we know what we're getting when we view it. And ffs, use proper spelling and grammar. Otherwise, SMACKDOWNS will be applied, since ManBreakfast stopped giving them a long time ago.

2. Posting the steps.
When posting the steps, make sure the information you are giving us is accurate. Make sure that everything is in order and organized. A sloppy tutorial rarely gets good reviews. Also, tell us what art programs you're using if it's an art tutorial (videos are art in my eyes by the way).

3. ????

4. Profit

5*. Have a good sense of humor.
Having a good sense of humor making reading the tutorial more enjoyable. Be sure to scatter some funniness and hilarity throughout it.

6. Pics or it didn't happen.
Just as in real life, people would like to see other people showing them what the heck they're supposed to be doing. Like so.

Have plenty of pictures, especially if it's an art tutorial.

7. Spell things right.
Use good spelling and proper grammar. I can help you by editing some of it, but I don't want to spell check an entire tutorial.

8*. Leave some way that people can contact you with questions.
Give them an email or request PMs if you answer that kind of stuff. That way, the same questions don't keep popping up in the same thread. Of course, try not to leave the need for questions.

Things marked with a "*" are optional.

Ok. This might not be that great, but it's better than nothing. Hopefully tutorials might not be crap anymore.

Btw, if I see any more moves on this board, they will be DELETED!

Any other questions or things I should add, PM me or email me at [email protected].
Last edited by Hamr; Jun 5, 2010 at 09:25 PM. Reason: Fixed up a bit of the grammar.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do