Original Post
my texture shop, LOW PRICE!
im not one of the BEST head texture makers (sometimes the spinner doesnt animate) but they are low price.
i also do requests, but they are probably gonna be low quality.
and please, only ask for a spinner if you plan on buying it.
Discount list:
Reko18,10% off forever.
Overheat members,stated on head
if you want a preview of it in game, just ask.
Halloween Special! 25% off until halloween midnight!
And along with the discount, i have 3 more heads!

Martial Artist Uke, V1-50* TC (40 TC for Overheat members)

HotHead-(100)100* TC (free for overheat members)

Hurt Green Tori-Sold to AfterSh0ck09
UGHHH i JUST found the texture for technik, so ill just GIVE it to reko.
(you can keep the discount )

TechNik head-Given to Reko18

!?RARE?!-(500)375 TC (450 TC for Overhead Members)

Hurt Purple Tori-(200)150 TC(180 for reko18,no discount for overheat.)

!?!?!?VERY RARE?!?!?!-ArrowHead-(750)563 TC (no discounts)

Mucki-(250)187 TC (overheat members offer)

EXTREMELY RARE!!!!!!!!!-Tribal Robot- 900* TC

Fire Tribal Head(sry no spinner, gimp is broken)-750* TC, (free for trustworthy Overheat members)
PREVIEW-> (sry 4 teh lag)

Pumpkin Head -Free to all who ask and can beat me online; WILL ONLY GIVE OUT HALLOWEEN OF 2009!
So if you want the pumkin head, fight me between now, and november 5th! But only to those who ask.


Virus Uke-1000* TC; I'll only sell this for 1k TC and if u beat me ingame, because you might have seen me using it ingame. It's one of my favorite, so if you win it, i guess thats it.
The halloween discount applied 50% to this one, so after November 15th, it will be 2k and a win.
Spiral-1000* TC, I can do recoulors, for an extra 500 TC.I'll sell more than one, but not neceserilly of the same color.
I will only sell it until my birthday...
Or if you dont like the regular colors, you can ask me for random colors and i will pick two random colors to fill in.
The Armadillo 1000* TC
Meh...i can't find the thread. i'll just sell it. Offer for a better price if its too much.

want a head, but cant afford, or just dont wunnah pay for it?
every now and then i hold contests, if you win, just tell me what head you want, if you win.

added 2 new heads
ill add more over time
plz dont give me a hard time, im just getting started at making textures.
Event Log:
1.created martial artist Uke.
2.created shop
3.created HotHead
4.created Hurt Green Tori
5.small break
6.Created TechNik
7.created a SPINNING spinner for martial artist uke V1
8.Rest of the night off
9.Halloween Discount sale starting October 24!
10.Fixed the first 3 halloween head images
11.Fixed the discounts of the heads
12. Added Spiral Head and tournament head
13. Set price for The Armadillo
*Will never have a discount
Last edited by crossfang; Oct 24, 2009 at 08:52 PM. Reason: NEW HEADS! :D