Original Post
Grabbing? In an Archlurps replay?
If you know my style from when I last played more frequently, you know I don't do a lot of grabbing in my replays. Knowing it can be used for nubclaps and the sort just put me off it, and for a long time I couldn't even use the function discreetly. Now after a long while I think I've made a replay (three versions of it actually) in which I do exactly that.

Insult to injury: I don't usually post these sorts of "unfinished combos", since I having gone for not style but also continuity they rarely work as shorter less destructive replays (or ones with less strikes anyways). I decided to make an exception in this case because of the head catching. Notice the near-perfect, near-complete circle of blood on the floor (if you have shaders on).
Ergonomic neck support: This time I landed the kick without getting carried away and demolishing uke so badly I couldn't position him for more strikes. But right after that, I stroke a punch and got carried too far from uke. I tried to dismember one last joint by throwing a glute, but as anyone who's tried that knows, that's almost impossible. Before discarding the replay I noticed that uke was leaning on his dismembered glute like on a pillow, so I again made an exception and saved it.
Reborn: This is what I was going for with the whole replay. I said "YES" out loud when I finally got that punch (the one separating the limbless abdomen from the one-armed torso) where I wanted it. The name refers to the fact that I grabbed in a replay I rank among my better ones for the first time in a long while. Now if I just could decapitate uke...
Attached Files
2 insult to injury.rpl (329.7 KB, 24 views)
2 ergonomic neck support.rpl (268.3 KB, 22 views)
2 reborn.rpl (321.2 KB, 24 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Oct 17, 2009 at 03:22 PM. Reason: forgot to upload replays -.-'
I refuse to grab.
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