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Personality tests.
More stupid tests to make people feel awkward about what they score. This time it is a Jung personality test though, which places people in one of 16 or so personality types based on answers to simple questions.

Here is the test/

Here are the types.

There was a thread of these a long time ago on the forums, but cba to find it.

Here is my result

INTP: "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. They are good at logic and math and make good philosophers and theoretical scientists, but not writers or salespeople. 1% of the total population.

Sort of bullshit, writing is one of my jobs :/ and I suck worse than most people I know at math, seriously, Im struggling with basic algebra. But eh, its just a test. The last time I took it I got "the author" so who knows what changed.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.