Original Post
[Auction] The Element Set, Demon/Elf.

i am selling the set of: TheElement.
From wen he started playing until a few days ago he used that famous set, and now you can get it.

Original Version:

^^^^^^you get the head of this picture ^^^^^^

Glow Version:

you can also buy the set with the flames used on it, look at them HERE.
it are 2 flames and it costs 110k Extra if you take them, you also get an free Particle Texture

you get the original + the glow for only:
Starting Bid: 30K Highest Bidder:
Min Raise: 5K
AutoBuy: 80K

This is your only chance, so take it!
Good Luck!
Last edited by up2u; Feb 18, 2010 at 08:08 PM.