Original Post
safe trade or glitched trade?
Safetrade with Kekkonen completed!
Your safetrade was completed. View the details here:


if you click the link you see that i transfered

0tc and full camo and a flame to kekkonen

and you see that kekkonen transfered 0 tc to me

well... that wasnt what happenned

i sent 0tc and full camo and he sent 0 tc and the flame

so the safe trade is bugged

ALSO! the full camo set i sent is not working on his account.. it got deleted! ( he told me that in pm )

AND! i started playing and i had full camo activated. guess what , its not in my activated folder, its nowhere!
Last edited by Muppettc; May 1, 2010 at 05:51 PM.
Biggest toribash muppet