Original Post
/join [Hunters]

Hello dear toribash community, the [Hunters] clan is looking for new members.

Before you consider applying, please have a look at our requirements.

  • Activity ingame and on the forums
  • Mature behavior
  • Ownership of a brain and knowledge of how to use it
  • Preferably a Black belt and up

If you fit all these requirements, go ahead and fill out the application form.



Favorite Mod:
Why do you want to join?

Previous Clans and reasons for leaving:
Organizations you are member of:

Skills you have (Movie making, art, replays):
Examples of said skill:

Infraction/Ban history:
Including a few impressive replays will raise your chances!

You will be discussed and tested if we consider it as needed.


You can be rejected without being tested.
If you have been rejected, feel free to try again later.
Please understand that we can't accept everybody.
Last edited by wiirus; May 29, 2010 at 06:56 PM.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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