Original Post
+the newest person ever NEEDS YOU!
hello i am...well i am sleevy :3 but i recently got toribash very recently....VERY VERY RECENTLY and the reason i got it is cus i saw a video on youtube and downloaded it cus it looked fun i played for about 3 hours then i realized...this game is more than i expected O.o so please if someone could please fill me in here are some questions i will keep adding on to do i get stuff for my guys i really would like to change the look of him but i have the slightest clue ever if there is some kind of currency how would i come about of getting this
2.what is the different between judo aikido etc i dont get it is there different playing styles in this game ?O.o there any kind of mods that alot of people download that would be good ? i mean alot of games ussualy have A MOD that is downloaded by most people if so what would that be
4.if there are any kinds of things i should know please please PLEASE inform me thank you
5.what is DMing?
thank you for your patience if you do help me and i will keep adding questions if i ever come up with some.
Last edited by Sleevy; Jun 4, 2010 at 04:05 AM.