Original Post
Skiing competition
This competition is using a mod which makes many peoples computer glitch, unless you have a high performance computer i strongly suggest that you use an earlier version than 3.1 to play in this competition. The mode is subject to change depednign on how many people can play this mod without it glitching thier computer

Get your thermals out, your goggles and helmets on, because its time for another competition
On sunday the 24th february, at 20:00gmt I will be hosting my third competition. The competition will be held in the Ancients server, and last for 60 minutes.

How to win
You will queue in the server and wait for your chance to compete. When you play, if you win the fight you get one point, every time you win a fight you get a point. If you lose a fight you don't get a point for that fight. At the end of the 60 minutes the player with the most points will be declared the winner and take home the prizes.

Game rules
Match frames:250
Turn frames: 85,85,,20,20,40
mod: ski_slopes.tbm (this glitches for me, so i use toribash 3.06 instead of 3.1)
Dismembement threshold: 250
Fracture threshold: 190
Dojo size: 1600
Engage distance: 6200
Engage height: 900

Shogan has kindly donated pharos dq for the prize
I have donated 2k toricredits
Nuthug has donated 1k toricredits
AaronSasori has donated 2k
Any other donations will be gladly welcomed

Entry requirements
You must be 2nd dan blackbelt or higher to enter this competition
You do not need to sign up, just show up and play.
You must be curteous, and well mannered, I will have zero tolerance on abusive language and idiocy.

"we had problems with the previous mod, so we changed it to a different variation on skiing, here are the new game rules...." It has now turned in to a skating comp, fast dq and mad style!

Last edited by Mr-Deanster; Feb 24, 2008 at 08:39 PM.