so yeah

Apple to Hold Media Event On Friday, July 16 - Recall of iPhone 4?

According to sources, Apple will be holding a special media event this Friday to discuss the iPhone 4. With no information other than "the event will focus on the iPhone 4", it has led to a bit of speculation as to what exactly Apple will say.

Many have suggested for a while now that a full recall on the iPhone 4 is inevitable, could that be what the event is about? Some believe that a silent recall has already begun , after reports surfaced on Gizmodo and iFixit that after having their iPhone 4s replaced by Apple that they have been unable to reproduce the signal degradation issue. One theory is that Apple has added a new nonconductive coating to the iPhone 4's antenna band for all newly manufactured iPhones. Perhaps they have been testing this for the last few weeks, and plan to announce it formally.

One other possibility is that Apple may use the event to discuss and / or demonstrate the changes in the upcoming iOS update. The press event announcement comes only a few hours after a beta for iOS 4.1 was seeded to developers. Apple had previously stated that an upcoming iOS update would "fix" the iPhone 4 signal issues by correcting a flaw in the algorithm used by the operating system to calculate signal strength.
iOS update, free bumpers, total recall, or something else? What do you think Apple will do on Friday?
Chilling. Rip Urban unit