Original Post
Help a noob get rich! PLEASE MOVE TO MARKET
Hey there, fellow bashers. As you have probably guessed from the title, I wanna get myself some TC.
But since begging is kinda lame, I decided to sell some textures.

The problem: I have NO IDEA how much they're worth. So let's just call it an auction
Just post what item you want and how much TC you bid. If no one bids more within 3 days: congratulations, you won a crappy texture!


Native head:

(the animation is really bad for some reason; looks better in-game)

Black/white head (I'm open for name suggestions):

nocturnal head:

Mario-Block head(C/P from Google):


That's it for now.

Keep in mind that I'm a beginner, so please no death threats (yet)

EDIT: I just found the market section, could somebody please move it there? Thanks.
Last edited by LastZocker; Aug 2, 2010 at 06:20 PM.