Original Post

About Secret
Secret is an aikido based clan created by AikidoKP and Teague19. We aim to build and maintain a strong community within toribash.
Started on May 10th, 2010, Secret has become known for it's relaxed style of fighting as well as it's excessive amounts of decapitations.
Along with this, we strive to help members better themselves, both in-game and on the forum. What this comes with is a better opportunity to advance through the ranks of Toribash, as well as a better understanding of how clans and the forums work. We are a group of older and mature players so please act the part if your considering on applying.

2nd Dan Black belt - 50 posts

Explain any bad history or alts you may have, State all you alts, if you use, if yes when and why.
Also state your previous clans and orgs.

Provide in-game crew with replays and in-game style

Provide personalty pack with an about me paragraph

Provide skills team with proof of any skills and abilities you may have that are TB related (art,market,ect)

Recruiting Process

Backround check
If you fail this you are automatically out! Consists of: Bans, Alts, Bad behavior.
So come clean now, if you know whats good for you.
Team Quick Link


Team One
We will fight you in game and/or give you replay challenges. Be ready!
Team Quick Link


Team Two
These gentlemen will judge your forum and in-game etiquette. So be nice!
Team Quick Link


Team Three
This group will check your art, market, video, or any other abilities to see how u will be beneficial to Secret.
Team Quick Link


YOU NEED 2 Teams to say yes to get in
Secrets Info Center

Secrets Members

Secrets Master Teague's Dojo/Training Center
Last edited by teague19; Aug 25, 2011 at 01:37 PM.