Original Post
[Art] Jimi Hendrix
so i have started using photoshop again but i am beginning to use different features and try to edit images by my self instead of using the filters

i lack inspiration and the knowledge to make something look good so i use google.

i found this and i thought it would be interesting to edit.

this is the original (a google image)

first try

then i made that into my sig

and here is it with a lame attempt at some lighting effects.

i am trying to work with the lighting and i will have an image up in a but i would like to know what i can try to work on or improve on. i would also like to see where i should go from here.


and please feel free to edit what i have made and show me what to strive towards

i am very sorry if i have broken or missed any rules, please tell me if i have and i will fix it.
Last edited by Toast; Jan 21, 2011 at 01:30 AM.