Original Post
[Solved] Bug concerning my infractions
Originally Posted by Fee
Originally Posted by devil1337
Originally Posted by Fee
Originally Posted by devil1337
Originally Posted by Fee
Dear devil1337,

You have received an infraction at Toribash Community.

Reason: Ignoring rules
Just report the post, posts like these are considered backseat moderation. I would tread carefully if I were you, you're one infraction away from a month ban.

This infraction is worth 2 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
Lol at stealing my request ^^

And you're short of tc with just
Toricredits: 33,701 TC

Originally Posted by Lapsus
C) Do not attempt to sell, or pay with items or Toricredits that are not in the inventory of the account that is posting. No; "It's in a bank account". This also covers the sale of items currently in YOUshops.

Originally Posted by Lapsus
Requesting Art
A) Do not use other peoples art work to demonstrate what you want, this encourages plagiarism.

All the best,
Toribash Community

Wait what? Why am I that close to 1 month of ban? :/

Anyways, I was trying to help him out not backseat moderate, sorry. So, normal users cannot point out the rules to those who break them?

You had 12 active infraction points, the one I just gave you counted as 2, so you now have 14. 15 points is a one month ban.

No normal users cannot state the rules to other members who aren't following them, you report the post and then we handle it.

Oh ok then, will do so in the future.

I also see that I only have 6 points of infraction currently active, that's all that it shows me. Is this a bug? All my previous infractions expired a while ago.

[R] 100k Medieval/Robot... 01-28-2011
01:16 PM 02-07-2011
01:16 PM 2 Ignoring rules Fee Private 01-19-2011
03:52 PM 01-29-2011
03:52 PM 2 Ignoring rules Trials [Auction]Terminal Head 01-06-2011
12:49 AM Expired 0 Useless Post Fee [A] PERSIAN RELAX 01-05-2011
08:40 PM Expired 0 Useless Post Trials [B] Head avatar 12-30-2010
05:13 PM Expired 2 Useless Post Onamist

Hmm... it still seems to be counting your expired infractions as active points. Perhaps PM an admin and explain.

So here I am.