Original Post
[Solved] frammed...
Ok so i'll tell you the whole story ok my account urmybch got banned by ishi because iamlukas (aidsenhaha) got hacked and when he got hacked a white belt named "weed2041" ( i bet hes an alt but u can check his ip to find his account) said whisper me for free black belt so naturaly as a white belt would do I whispered him for the account and he gave it to me so I was all happy and exited till I went to the pm's and it said HACKED! and it was from iamlukas so I looked into the pm and I found out that the account he gave me was hacked so I found the thread that iamlukas oppened for his hacking and i told him i had his account and gave him user and pass and obviososly this got me blamed and "ishi" banned me forever and i've been trying to have ishi believe me because i'm telling the truth and because when I got the account I just started playing and I didn't know how to take a screenshot and everything so I couldn't get evedince but I wrote his name down in a notepad i have on my computer because I have bumptop So please believe me because i'm telling the truth and even in the thread it is said that mellowmedicinals has hacked the account and that was the truth that even his brother has said it. AND IF YOU STILL DON't BELIEVE ME LOOK FOR IAMLUKAS'S POST AND THE ITEMS GOT SENT TO 2 PEOPLE AND I DON't KNOW THESE PEOPLE NEVER TRADED WITH THEM NEVER TALKED TO THEM IF YOU DON'T TRUST ME CHECK MY PM'S AND MY TRADE HISTORY AND CHECK THEIR IP'S!!!!!!!!