Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Head grab and side on Torso Snap [Two Moves]
Both these moves are similar but still differ distinctly.

Demo Settings

Hold all
Raise Left Shoulder
Contract Left Pec

space x 2

Raise Right Shoulder
Contract Right Pec

Space x 2

Left Rotate Chest

Space x 1

Lower Shoulders
Sticky Hands
Right Rotate chest
Contract Hips
Contract Knees
Contract Abs

Space x 2

Extend Knees
Press P or finish as you will

And the next one, less clean but more damage

Demo Settings

Hold all
Raise Left Shoulder
Contract Left Pec

space x 2

Raise Right Shoulder
Contract Right Pec

Space x 2

Left Rotate Chest

Space x 1

Lower Shoulders
Sticky Hands
Right Rotate chest
Contract Hips
Contract Knees
Contract Abs
Extend Ankles

Press P or finish as you will

What do you think