Original Post
[Diamond]Requiting Thread

(Your ingame name)
(Greenwich Mean Time)
(This info you can find in Torishop)
What can you offer to this clan:
Forum Activity:
Ingame activity:
Why do you want to join this clan:
(Put effort in here)
Post 2 replay
(Give you're best replay,to see you're skill)
(can be found in torishop)

You must speak and write fluent english, as we are an english speaking clan, but we can also accept if you don’t.
Do not annoy us with posts that are not useful, and/or spam.
Do not rage or flame.
Be respectful to everyone.
No hacking, stealing scamming etc.
If we find out that you have, you will be kicked from the clan.
The following things are classified as annoying:
- Do not say good morning / goodnight (Use the IRC).
- Do not ask who is online (Use the IRC).
- Do not ask how is everyone doing.
- Do not use this thread as a market.
- Do not write in CAPS.
- Do not ask random, non-toribash related questions (Use the IRC).
Things that you may do, if you feel compelled to do so:
- Post often (no spam of course).
- Post replays.
- Post pictures of your tori.
- Inform the clan about different events that are going on, or that we could host.
- Speak about toribash related subjects.
-You Need 50 Post if need Join Diamond Clan
-You Need Blue Belt if need Join Diamond Clan

Last edited by onizuka758; Jun 15, 2011 at 01:34 AM.