Original Post
[SK] sonic Knights is recruiting!
Sonic Knights!

A sorceress named Merlina, granddaughter of the original Merlin, summons us to help free the mystical realm of King Arthur, who has been possessed by an unknown evil that comes from Excalibur's scabbard, and is now ruling the realm as the tyrannical Black Knight. our speed alone will not end The Black Knight's reign, so we must take up the talking sword, Caliburn, in order to break Arthur's curse and save the kingdom. we must also collect the blades of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table and Excalibur itself if he is to restore King Arthur's sanity and return him to a benevolent ruler.
or in other words we will smash other clans!

leader (sonic and the caliburn) one player only:12345arby
co-leader (merlin/merlina) :
knights of the round table :nodarkness
knights (members):

become the friendliest clan with nothing bad about it []
be the best clan ever![]
get 5 members []
get 25K TC []
become official []
get respect from the toribash community []
Get 50k TC []
Finish the clan video []
Participate in a clan event. []
Win a said Event []
host a tourney []
Time Zone:
Previous Clans:
Why you want to join?: .
How long you play each day?:
Anything Else:

NO cheating.
NO hacking.
NO cussing.
Always treat other fairly and act civil.
NO spamming.
no dising clans
no constant posts that are the same
if u want to be retarded in thread tell it to your parents not us!

SK doesn’t accept useless shit because we we smash you!
SK doesn't accept useless fucken shit (sometimes, but not things like "wanna have sex?").
SK will kick the shit out of you and you will cry for 30 years!
SK can exercise your sense of humor (so watch out!).
our favourite mods are running,freerunning and any mod with swords

what we are about:
we are not knaves nor noobs but we are knights of the wind!.
if we fall, we get back up.
our motto is more speed or nothing!

ultimate allies!:
all of [el]ectric
and Wyverneon

all spammers!


our favourite word (mostly mine :3 ):chebara
stronger than yesterday!
Last edited by 12345arby; Aug 14, 2011 at 03:40 AM.
I'll defeat them all and become unbeatable, unlike any other!