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[Tex] Warrior Demon Mask
This is a work inspired to shikami masks and kabuki facial paint

did it today in Illustrator just for kill sone time.... :3 hope yah like it
Im thinking to make a head out of it... but Im lazy :v don't steal it and dont try to make a head out of mah work >:v if you want do that you buy it first (its not really for sale but if some nice artist wants to collaborate maybe we can talk about it).

Originally Posted by chicken89 View Post
Noh and kabuki style
some of the masks Nog, are characterized by very marked facial features and caricatured facial expressions.
And kabuki uses some sorta of facial paint based on white and red and black which is used for define different characters and their personality... to me it look a bit some tribal war (and demoniac) paint.

Last edited by Chikin; Nov 23, 2011 at 05:30 PM.