-All Replays Are Very Stiff.
I Would Recommend Using Relax All For A More Flowing Replay.

-They All Have Very Beginner Moves Which You Can Find On The Toribash Fight School-Tutorials.
You Should Play Longer And Practice More And You'll Get Better.Watch Pro Replays And Get An Idea Of How They Flow And How They Make Good Transitions.

Beginner Moves-Not Flowing-No Cool Poses

Here's A Quick Replay I Wipped Up.
A Beginner Decap.
Very Flowing.
Easy Opener.
Cool Ending Pose.
Watch This.
It'll Give You A Better Idea Of What I Mean.

Practice.You'll Get Better.
Also Don't Forget To Type /dl Meditate

Tamer0 Moderated Message:
Replay removed. See Rule 3.
Last edited by Tamer0; Dec 12, 2011 at 12:17 AM.