Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[forum]on.toribash links
This tutorial is about the use of on.toribash links, probably best summed up as a short guide more than a full length tutorial. A brief explanation of them would be that they are refferal links, and each time one is clicked you earn 30 tc. 1 way they are commonly used is by placing them in your toribash sig, as far as I'm aware there is no rule against this however it's utterly pointless and completely the wrong way to use them. A much better way to use them however, would be to place them on websites such as:

Other Game Forums
Other Game PMs

Ok so now you know that, you may be wondering 'how do I get this mysterious and wonderful link.' It's actually very simple. You just visit on.toribash.com and fill in your details. I'm sometimes a little stupid and I didn't actually realize what alias meant at first :/. So in more simple terms it's what you want the link address to be. Next there is a space for an image that you could include something of your own if you want. If you do not the website provides a very nice default one anyway. In the other box you can write something about the game. For example -

"Toribash is a fun, intuitive game, you won't find another like it on the
internet. Destroy your opponent in single player, or challenge others
across the world, who knows... you might even become a Toribash legend.
Feel an amazing thrill as you rise through the ranks, crushing your
opponents one at a time. So what are you waiting... make up your mind for
yourself and download now."

The greatest thing about these links is that people don't actually have to join the game for you to receive the benefits, but why not encourage your friends to do so anyway, there is always space for 1 more in the toribash community.

I couldn't actually find a proper tutorial for this so beginners probably don't learn about this properly, apologies if there is one already and feel free to take this down. DO NOT POST YOUR ON.TORIBASH LINK HERE. If I missed any information tell me and I will add it. Also sorry for the inappropriate tag, nothing really suits this properly but forum is the closest I could get