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[images]my few early and latest images
collection of my best pictures on different themes. some of them have very high resolution, so click on your own risk

(ps) mark means that that version of on-paper-drawed picture was photoshopped (colored or edited) strongly. i will also give examples of unphotoshopped drawings on paper.
(alternate),(alt) - alternate version of that image.
(not completed),(ps, nc) - the (ps) version of that image is planned but not completed yet.

1st chapter of collection - mostly without photoshop (this was painted by me when i was like 15 years old, or something like that. :
cyber religion, beyond good and evil, hero samurai, lesson 5: shadow draw, last sunset of hero, lake on the Reisvei planet, fire wires, desperate space
those were drawn a bit later:
wake of the machines, progressor, vampire absolution, scorched earth and crying sky, my band, elf, knight.

2nd chapter of collection - photoshop and remakes.
ripper - ripper (ps)
kamikadze - kamikadze (ps)
do you remember knight?, do you remember knight? (alternate),
my band... one left, three added, actor, faces - faces (ps).
my greeting card: (my nick was Sn1peR not so long ago...)
blood, ice, lighting, fire, burrocracy
star wars (warning! from this moment there will be some adult pictures. 18+ age) :
blue skinned twi'lekk, Tionna,
Tionna (alt) - Tionna (alt, ps),
Yoda - Yoda (ps),
Mace Windu - Mace Windu (ps),
Darth Revan - Darth Revan (ps),
lightsaber impaled (plagiated from naruto),
Darth Vader.

ok, there goes the 3rd and the last chapter of my collection. the "background" part. those pictures were drawn by me recently. (note that star wars theme isnt finished yet)
defencive run - defencive run (ps),
source photo for "twi'lekking" - adult Tionna .
now - the angel theme. my favourite. i was enspired of it when i chose nick here (Divine Lux = Sacred Light)
angel1 - angel1 (ps),
angel2 - angel2 (ps),
angelic visage (this is made entirely in photoshop)
angel3 - angel3(ps, nc)
angel4 - angel4(ps, nc)


ok, now is time for the real magick
there's many avvys on net. but this:
is special. you ask me, "what's so special about it?"... and i'll answer: download it from attachments (at the end of this post) to your computer, move that gif avvy outside archive and... open it with winRAR again!
"WTF?! THIS GIF OPENS WITH WINRAR!!! OMFG *brains exploded* "
..........but this is even not all! there's inside this avvy you will find a text art of supernatural parameters. it has resolution of 804x804 (to think of it - it's actually WALLPAPER SIZE resolution picture, hidden in a small avvy) and the size of this huge picture is... unbelievable... 41kb! but still you can zoom in ten times and see any of theese symbols of which this picture consists. not to mention that this hidden picture looks like a red coloured copy of that avvy.

so... what can you say about my creations?
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Last edited by DivineLux; Jul 20, 2008 at 04:18 PM.