Original Post
Fellow pivoters
I am going to hold a pivot contest. It is very easy, all you must do is make a pivot(must be fighting).


1.It must be a fighting pivot including atleast 1 weapon(beams will be exceptible)
2.You must have a winner in your pivot, no draws.
3.The pivot must be around 100 frames.
4.You must have one thing from

All pivots must be entered by July 23rd and 10:00pm. The people who have entered will be the voters(you can not vote for yourself) on July 23rd I will make a poll for the pivoters to vote.


1st place- 100 TC's from everyone who entered.
2nd place- 50 TC's from everyone who entered and any 4 Orc items from the shop from me.
3rd place- 20 TC's from everyone who entered and 1 blood from the shop from me.

Have fun and enjoy!
Last edited by Pivotkid94; Jul 16, 2008 at 03:23 AM.
Thats What She Said...... Curious? go it.