Original Post
[RIOT] Squad
Our Tag is RIOT, but our full name is Riot Squad and yes we WILL end the war.
Clan IRC

We are a squad. Not just any squad, we are the Riot Squad. We were sent from the US to come and end the war in Toribash for ever. We are not here to play games; we are here to stop the game, to make history, to create World War 3. We are the Riot Squad.

Forum Rules
1) Always be active (if you are going to be gone for a time let us know).
2) Do not post useless (nothing that is not game related).
3) Never go off topic
4) Swearing will not be tolerated. We are a friendly clan and ANY misbehavior shall and will be taken against you.
5) If you are not a member of this clan you MUST put / invade tags on before you post at any time.

Game Rules
1) Be a fair player. Do not misbehave.
2) NEVER rage quit. No matter what happens. Always fight until the match is over. We never give up.
3) Don’t flame others. If they start just ignore them, you know you are better than he is.
4) Do not think you can get away with any of these, if you get caught you will get punished. NO tolerance.

Click HERE if you want to join the clan


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Training Programm



[5/5] Get 5 Members
[6/10] Get 10 Members
[] Host 5 successful/memorable events.
[] Get a clan video
[] Become an official Toriclan

Squad1 functions as the bank for this clan


Single Allies
-Dark Amaris

Clan Allies

-flamed (clan)
-Neon (clan)

Last edited by Equinox01; Jul 26, 2012 at 06:15 PM.