Original Post
[Tex] The Glob, he will glop you with his glime.
A new head I am making, I am trying a new style so please don't be too hard on me.

Tools used: Bamboo Wacom create, Mouse, Gimp, laptop, mousepad, etc, etc. (I found a flaw in the rule telling us to post what we used. A FLAW I SAY! But I am sure that nobody cares about the necessities so ignore this.)

He is still heavily in the wip stages so yeah... Im also not sure how I am going to color him, so I would like somebody to help me with that as soon as I am done with him.
Also, I know he is looking amazing right now, but I'll have you know that Im really bad at drawing anything, other than the face of course.

Wip 2:

Added a tongue for a that french kissing he's going to be doing with the ladys ;)

Wip 3:

I've been working on him for 2 hours, I am done for the night. He's coming along better than I could've hoped for. The only thing bad about him is the tongue, it looks like there is cheek muscle jabbing into it in-game, even though I made it intentional to look like it's going into the back of his throat...
Last edited by m0nk3y8; Oct 16, 2012 at 06:39 AM.
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