Originally Posted by pusga View Post
I know you've said that stolen replays are eventually going to slip in, but there are people at the ORMO IRC who would probably recognize one if they saw it.
They are a lot of replays, I know, but maybe you should just check those suspected ones, or if you have time, maybe check with us all the replays you chose to show in that particular video.

I'm really not trying to single you out here, it's an issue many have raised, but I'll respond here in detail none the less. I think the thing most people fail to understand is producing an episode all told takes a very long time, getting replays of an acceptable quality in the pool of 200-300 unused ones we have in our inbox, ordering them in a interesting way (So neither half of the show is 'more boring' than the other) sitting down and providing the commentary, editing (The shortest part, admittedly) rendering (Much much longer than you would expect) uploading, doing all the YouTube side stuff etc etc. Having to show every single potential replay to someone for verification of authenticity would add an unacceptable amount of time to each production, and being on a weekly schedule keeping time constraints to a minimum is essential. People also have to remember that we don't exclusively make Toribash videos, hell there may be a lot more video games stuff on our channel than before, but we still don't even consider ourselves a video game channel (Admittedly that has REALLY slipped in the past few months but it's something I'm in the process of addressing, won't result in less game stuff, just more non game stuff also.) And while I really wish there was a better way to get around replay theft, there really isn't. People already say they wish I would show more replays per episode or do more than one showcase a week and I'm not opposed to that idea, but unless the problem gets severe I can't add an extremely long amount of time more to each episode (remembering that I do this weekly) and still expect to keep up the quality that I pride myself on.

I hope this has shed some light on it.

PS. Anyone who see's anyone else raising this issue would be doing me a massive favour if they could direct them to this comment.

*Edit* A point I forgot, the idea of having people check over replays wouldn't even be a guaranteed fix, if they just simply don't recognize the stolen replay we're back to square one. I would be adding however much time on top for a solution that only works some of the time.