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[tex] Mr.piggy head development
After abandoning my old head due to my lack of ability when it comes to realism,i began work on a new head with less realism and more "monster" features as this is what i am used to working in.
so yea CnC this head please!


this is a very basic design on the head, it gets the general idea of the head across but pays very little attention to mapping. as you are viewing this this head is being mapped correctly and small tweaks are being made to the design features.


so, i added more vein like features around the head and added more lines to make the mouth seem more swolen, i also tried to make the eyes look creepier and added more lines to create more depth
im playing around with ideas for color on the left side of the head.


removed hair and started to add a little bit of color, still unsure on the color and open to suggestions !


started shading the mouth, oh god why did i add so many veins! its going to take forever to shade around them all.

So, i have darkened most of the head, added a little bit of color to the right side of the head. got to finish the shading around the mouth but then im going to be a little bit stumped.cant change any features ot mapping yet and im not ready to say its finished. im unsure but "artwork is never finished,only abandoned" ..i cant believe i just used that quote.

Final wip?
so im thinking of finnishing the head up here, i worked on smoothing out some of the shading and darkening alot of the head a little bit.

if this is the final WIP i will be posting a link to the market page that i am selling this head on.
Last edited by Spuud; Jun 8, 2013 at 03:06 AM. Reason: final wip?