Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Aether] Recruiting!

Hello, Aether is recruiting again!

Our forum: http://forum.toribash.com/forumdisplay.php?f=666
Our application thread: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=414688

You can either post your application here, or in our board's application thread.

Some information about us:

Aether is a clan dedicated to form a band of players who are loyal and respectful. We are a bunch of close friends, but we still accept others into our little family. We're not a forum based clan, neither do we look for ingame skill so there is no belt restriction.

We're not really strict on our applicants, but we want to see at least some effort in the applications so try and include as much detail about yourself as possible in your application.

We're not asking much out of our applicants, just that you're someone who follows the rules and is generally nice.

Write a freeform application, including your real name, age, GMT, location, hobbies and your personality. We don't look at belt, rank or skill, we look at your attitude. If you don't want to write a freeform application and just want to write a formatted one, we will also accept that but we highly recommend that you send us a freeform version as it improves your chances of getting accepted.

Here is the format if you want to apply with a formatted application:


Thank you and Good luck!
If you're struggling with forming an application, here is an application made by one of our members. Have a look and see the sort of stuff you can write in your application:

Originally Posted by ABnormalZA
Hi there!

My name is Zachari, Zach for short. I'm 18 years old, born 7th September, 1994. I am currently located in Johannesburg, South Africa.
I am generally online from 3PM - 11PM (GMT+2) on weekdays and anywhere between 9AM - 1AM (GMT+2) on the weekends. These times may range slightly what with dealing with College and other activities
I have only recently returned to Toribash and have started enjoying browsing the various threads on the forum and leaving comments in threads I am interested in as well as questions where I know I need to improve my knowledge base. I am a very artistic person and so I really want to start creating textures etc as a starting point and, hey, wherever that leads I'm sure will be fun !

My Skype name is: zachari_leisher . I am not generally online Skype but if required, there will be no problem in me logging in frequently

I have not had any past clans or bans, the only infraction I can think of is recently when I tried to create and sell a "Creeper" (from Minecraft) head texture, the thread was closed and I was contacted by a Moderator informing me that I did not provide any evidence that I had made it myself. It was a very simple texture and so I understand that it looked as if I had stolen a picture from Google and simply attempted to sell it on the forum. I'm not sure if it was an infraction though because I was merely contacted by a Moderator, nothing more. Needless to say, I won't be making that mistake again!

Skills I have that I think will add value to the clan would be in the ways of anything Artistic. My passion in drawing/illustrating/3D Modelling and I would be more than happy to provide whatever the clan may need On a less important note, I am rather good at Taekkyon and Aikido!

I first discovered [Aether] when I met CusTzM on the Semi-Pro Aikido server. He was such a great guy and is a very talented fighter, we have had many epic matches against each other and I know that for him to speak so highly of [Aether], this was the clan for me. I would love to become part of the family and create new friendships as well as to contribute in any way I am able towards the greater glory of [Aether].

I hope my application is satisfactory and I am very much looking forward to hearing from a representative of [Aether].

Originally Posted by ABnormalZA