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How to be a deceptive aikido player.
So here i have compiled some of the most effective but no so honorable moves to practice in aikido.
Id also like feedback on what you need help with in aikido

1. No grabs on the first frame, it leaves you the option to hit them for a decap or counter a lift.

2. Disturb that ghost Start randomly grabbing them, on the turn frame that you start grabbing you will want to make a pulling/yanking/lifting motion, repeat this over in over turn frame after turn frame for a guaranteed win.

3. Failure to launch Act like you are going for some for of insane lift only to let them go completely making them self dq.

4. Saves for days Dont even focus on trying to win, focus on saving and counters and eventually your opponent will slip up giving you the win.

5. The Parry If your opponent is going for a strike on you, dont grab for the arm/leg instead hit it. Giving you the chance to dm/frac them in a devilish defence.

6. Get low The opponent obviously wants you to dq, so get super low to the ground making them think they have a chance only to spring up and strike them, they will never see it coming.

7. Striking Never go for a strike in the first 3 frames, its suicide, always wait until the frames go to 30 before you start kicking/punching to ensure contact.

8. Packing on the pounds Don't just be fast before a lift be fat the whole game, keep your feet planted as much as possible.

9. Throws win matches Don't just lift your opponent, pick them up as hard as you can, and slam them on the ground.

10. Risks Just go for it, 5 times out of 10 it will work out. The longer you play the better your odds will be, and your skills will be more rewarding.

11. Laxing and You Before going for a lift, before making a save, kicking punching anything, relax all so you will see exactly how your momentum is proportioned and click your joints based off of your relaxed tori. Its wicked.

12. Torque jumping Going to be lifted? let them, jump up as hard as you can when someone lifts you in attempt to flip over them only to land on your feet all trolly like.

13. Holding all Dont do it, its suicide, you will be lifted and thrown out/dmed very easily.

14. Stability Keep a max of 2 limbs on the ground, no more, no less.

15. Tripodding Typically used accross the board, imo its the noobiest part of aikido. Friends don't let friends tripod.

16. Getting Shoveled? Kick their shoulders or raise your arms with theirs and contract your elbows stop it, or decap them because they have an exposed neck in a shovel opener.

More tips will be added soon!
Last edited by WorldEater; Oct 28, 2017 at 03:48 PM.
Oldschooler | Evolution