Name: Xev0
Belt: Blue belt
Forum Activeness: 8
Ingame Activeness: 5

Bans, infractions, or warnings: one in this account and 2-3 in another

Past clans and why you left them: [Ascend] (osiris) (amebix) I left all the clans because they were all very inactive and barely or never participated in clan events or had wars

Anyone you know in this clan: no one.

Why do you want us: I want to join this clan because I've seen and know how good this clan was in the past and now. This clan is one that never gave up and can defenetly make it to the top again. I would really want to be apart of this clan Apex because its one I trust
No matter how many people leave or fade away and its one ill stay loyal to

Why should we want you: I am very forum active wether I'm posting or just browsing through the forums. I am very easy to contact and get hold of. I am a good sparrar and parkourist and highly skilled in aikido and wushu

Best mods: aikido, wushu and taekyon.. Parkour/spar mods

worst mods: judo (basically a game of chance) jousting too

At least 150 words about yourself: my names XeV0. I've been playing toribash for about 3-4 years. I am an alt my main account is/was Marvin(had a few numbers after it) [5th dan] I forgot the accounts password. My other account names were Buddery[Brown belt] Apex119[Black belt] razorrr1[yellow belt] I left those accounts for name changing reassons.. Whenever I'm ingame I play in mostly aikido games and always find myself sparring atleast 3 times a session. I am a skilled aikido player and Its the mod I most enjoy. I am very active in forums mostly because I use my phone. I check in every 30min- 1 hour and can help keep this clan active.

Your usercard:

3 replays : posting them asap

Thank you all for your time.
-Ermac begotten soul - begotten ninja @KillshiftGamers-Parkour/Spar forever-[Origin] my story has just begun