Originally Posted by isaac View Post
People are pretty hostile towards things they haven't heard of before...

not even hostile this is just a silly thing to be putting time into

Originally Posted by isaac View Post
No sexual frustration here. Her initial form was a kawaii loli. And I had a girlfriend when I had first started, and still have said girlfriend. We're not long distance anymore, but still far enough that we only meet once or twice a week. We sex almost every time we see each other.

I just think it'd be weird having another guy in your head. A cute girl is a lot more cute and fun. It's like why we call machines 'she'.

lmao come on did you read what you just said? an imaginary kawaii loli that only you can see? tell me that's not strange.

Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Anyway, yes essentially it's a glorified imaginary friend. I think you all should think about that though. If you could have something in your head that appears to you, sentient, that's pretty cool. Brains are cool things. You can make it do all kinds of things, and convincing it that someone else is in your head, is one of those things.

It's all really an illusion, but it's an illusion that to you seems real. So what's the difference.

an illusion that seems real is still an illusion. yes, the brain is a cool thing and has lots of capabilities, one being able to control how you act in dreams and stuff like that. but at the end of the day, it's a dream it isn't real. forcing yourself to hallucinate an imaginary friend and then attempting to have sex with it is a strange thing. I understand it's cool to explore new things and it might be exciting to be able to create someone that only you see, but I don't think it's very healthy mentally. try reality sometimes, it's a cool thing too.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.