Original Post
Horde Application Thread

So you want to join the Horde?
All applications are free-form, meaning do whatever you want.
Some guidelines
Any applications that appear to be lazy and or careless will be rejected immediately.

Effort is a good indicator of how badly you want in, so put some thought into your application

Any players found to be lying on their applications will be rejected from Horde immediately

Players with previous or current bans should always tell us. We won't reject you only for being banned.

Good character and in game skill are important factors in joining our ranks, show us that you have both of these.

Your real life is important too. Tell us about your hobbies, sports, social groups, anything that could prevent you from being available for a clan event. It just helps us to sympathize with you when you can't participate.

Don't assume because you have a friend in the clan that you will gain a free pass or easy entrance. Everyone is judged equally and fairly.

If we reject your application, don't just go join some other clan. Get to know us and try again in a week or so.

You should wait up to 3 days for a definitive answer. We spend this time spying on you and discussing you.

Good luck, and welcome to the family.

Great example application done by cinos112 for a different clan

Last edited by Eatoon; Aug 23, 2014 at 11:14 PM.