Real Name: LUKAS
GMT:+ 2:00
Skype: KUKMAN/calledchimer39
Belt:black almost 2dan
Why you want to join: becuse i love parkour and freerunning and i wanna see more people thats doing it on toribash.
Previous Clans:LUX
Previous Infractions or Bans:not happend yet
Alts (Alternate Accounts): had 2 but forgot the code
Are you a Parkourist or Sparrer (or both): parkourist
Did anyone invite you: no =(
Tell us about your self: im lukas aka kukman and i live in sweden i stared this game a year ago in the start i was not that bad won almost everytime and i wanna join a clan that the main thing is parkour and spar.
How active Ingame are you 1/10: 6/10
How active on forum are you 1/10:9/10
How skilled at parkour would you say you are: 7/10
How Skilled at Sparring would you say you are: 5/10
Any other skills or talents we should know?: hmm i dont know maybe that i am a replay maker...

oh forgot
Attached Files
00-03 had bump.rpl (97.0 KB, 11 views)
# 00-03 first tricking.rpl (107.0 KB, 10 views)
# 00-00 im done with this.rpl (239.4 KB, 9 views)
# 00-04 that climb.rpl (85.3 KB, 10 views)
Last edited by KUKMAN; Sep 6, 2014 at 09:37 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
PM me if you wanna spar or parkour