Original Post
Regarding Clans
ManBreakfast has been inactive as of late. I'll be taking over in his stead. All questions and payments for clans should be sent to me from now on. If you have sent money to MBK, pm me stating your clan name and who you want the mod(s) of the clan forum to be. As of now, the rules will be the same, but are subject to change sometime in the near future.

Anyone with a black name (Delaid, Eleeleth, Vii and myself) can make you a toriclan page, but only I can make the forum itself.

Any questions regarding this thread, PM me.

I'm gonna steal MBK's computer tomorrow and see who has sent him money and who he hasn't taken care of.
Last edited by Hamr; Oct 28, 2008 at 06:17 AM.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do