View Poll Results: How Do You Like This Clan?
I Love It!
55 Votes / 42.64%
47 Votes / 36.43%
I Hate It!
27 Votes / 20.93%
Voters: 129. You may not vote on this poll
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So... it's been a while. Sorry for being inactive for like, a year. Toribash was being a jerk and not letting me a play for a while. I recently reset my PC to factory settings and just re installed Toribash. As for not posting I could not post because I could not change my password because it sent it to an email I no longer have. Now that I have changed the email and password, and also have a working Toribash I will actually be active.
Last edited by TheWicked; Nov 22, 2014 at 11:16 PM.
Gaze upon my field where I grow my fucks, see that it is barren.