Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
(Execute) Execute

The Clan

We are a group of akido fighters dedicated to earning TC, training noobies, and looking great.


To enter you need to ask a leader or master.
If you are a respectful and diligent player you will be accepted.
If you join the clan, get skype and ask us to add you to the skype group call.
If you do not ask in game to join, send a private message to Continua.


[] Be ranked in the top 100
[] Be ranked in the top 50
[] Be ranked in the top 10

[✓] Have 10,000 in bank
[] Have 20,000 in bank
[] Have 50,000 in bank
[] Have 100,000 in bank

[] Find artist to join clan
[] Get clan logo
[] Revamp clan thread
[] Buy textures with logo for important members

[] Recruit or train 10 duelers
[] Recruit or train 5 trainers
[] Recruit or train 3 Masters


Most importantly, follow the activity rules. Next, stay respectful. There is no tolerance for offensive chat. However, nothing is wrong with aggravating opponents in the name of strategy.


Earning TC

Our clan has a specific group of people ranked as Duelers. Their purpose is to find and win duels for TC that will be given to ExecuteBank. The TC will be used to buy textures for our clan members and to give Duelers TC for more duels. You can still give TC at any rank.



Tourney Master



Keep in mind the Leaders and Masters are always talking about our members. Do not push for ranks. We will normally come to you.
Last edited by Continua; May 8, 2016 at 08:48 PM.