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The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Toribash Videoediting
The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Toribash Videoediting

So yeah, I've seen more and more people starting to attempt videomaking for the first time, only to be completely confused about everything going on. On top of that, they aren't able to respond well to cnc due to the fact that they have no clue what the terms people are using mean. Hopefully I can clear a few things up with this quick tutorial for beginners, and perhaps encourage a new wave of editors

This is a tutorial aimed at people who have almost zero knowledge of how to go about making a video. I'm not going to tell you how to create fancy effects or anything like that so if you're already at that level then you shouldn't be here.


Your Editing Program

In this tutorial, I'll be talking more about the theory behind creating a good video rather than how you actually go about doing it. I would go into specifics, however, people use different editing programs and a tip I might give might not be applicable to someone using a different program as I am.

The two most popular programs being used at the moment are Adobe After Effects (AE) and Sony Vegas Pro (SV). If you're using a slower computer, I greatly recommend Sony Vegas because After Effects is extremely computer/RAM-intensive, and has a habit of screwing up if you're running it on a toaster. On the other hand, After Effects is more versatile than Sony Vegas and can be used for a wider range of effects. For the most part, Sony Vegas Pro is enough to get the job done. It's powerful enough to do pretty much everything I say in this tutorial. On the other hand, if you're planning to explore things such as motion graphics, however, After Effects is a better option.

At the end of the day, it's your skill that matters. One program isn't better than the other, they both have their pros and cons.


Choosing Music

First of all, you want to select a song. Go wild with this one; Anything from heavy metal to classical music can in theory be used, so pick a song that you really enjoy before you start.

If you aren't planning to make your video the entire length of the song, find a good section of the song and remember when it starts/ends so you can cut it out later. If you ARE planning to make your video the entire length of the song, make sure you either have a really diverse/interesting replays to keep the audience entertained, or pick a song that's not repetitive.


Getting Replays

What kind of replays should I get?

Destructive Replays/Madman Replays/Spars: You usually want these for songs that have a kind of 'kick' to it. Bonus points for manipulation replays because those are pretty damn amazing

Tricking/Skateboarding: You may get one or two per video, but try not to make an entire video about tricking because it might get kind of boring. Unless you're making a video for somebody, in which case you don't really have a choice.

Parkour/Funny Replays: This really depends on the style you're going for. If you're trying to showcase replays rather than going for one of those videos that gets your adrenaline pumping, you may choose to use them because they can be rather impressive. However, if you're attempting to make an overedit then you might want to stay off these

Decaps/Splits (Simple replays): If you already have a bunch of destructive replays in there, these replays are good filler for those few seconds where a whole replay won't fit.

Remember, if you have a really good idea then don't be afraid to do it. You don't have to follow the guide, because, well, it's only a guide.

Where do I get them?

There are three ways of getting replays for your video: Using stock replays, looking for your own replays, or asking for replays. Stock replays are the replays that come with the game, they're all extremely polished and come from great replay makers. People who start off might want to use these as they're the easiest to come by. Another method that you can use is to browse the replay board on the forums and select replays that you like, but make sure to ask the people you're taking the replays from. The final method is to ask for replays on the events board. You might not get as many replays as you're looking for, though.


Keyframing a Replay

Keyframing/freecam refers to the movement of the camera in the video. The basics are:

1) Go to the first frame and pause the game (P)

2) Press 2 to enter freecam mode

3) Position the camera to somewhere where you can see both the toris easily, then press k to set a keyframe

4) Play the replay until another suitable spot to stop (Usually 50-200ish frames from the previous keyframe)

5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you've finished keyframing the entire replay with an additional 100ish frames after the final pose or whatever

6) Save the replay, or just record the video from there

Shift-K clears the keyframes.

You want to have the camera moving smoothly, have the toris at a relatively safe distance and keep both tori and uke in the center of the screen at most times. Alternatively, instead of starting/ending facing the tori, you might want to move tori and uke out of view in order to allow the clip to easily transition to the next (For example, at the end of one replay, the camera pans out to the right. At the start of the next replay, the camera pans in from the left to the right). This emphasises the "flow" of the video.

In the case where you place a keyframe wrongly, you can save the replay. Go to your replays folder, open up the replay with notepad and remove the last line, then go back into the replay and continue as if the misplaced keyframe never happened. This can save a lot of time especially if you find yourself needing to keyframe an extremely long spar or parkour replay.

Alternatively, if you're already used to the normal keyframing and freecamming system, Fnugget's ExpertCam script will help greatly in smoothing out your camera paths. Moop has a great video tutorial of it




Choosing a shader isn't very difficult, all you have to do is to listen to the bit of the song you are planning the replay for and choosing the shader based on it.

Here are a couple of shaders I use:


Those are just some examples, but of course you want to go out and look through all of them yourself to see which one fits the best. However, try not to use toris which are too bright (i.e. use pure force) against light shaders or toris which are too dark (demon, void force) against dark shaders else they'll be difficult to pick out when the video is done.

After you choose a shader, there's yet another step coming later called colour correction in which you can further tweak how everything looks, so don't worry if it isn't exactly how you want it yet.


Recording Your Replays

Before you record, make sure to enable things like raytracing and shaders in your options. If you have a larger screen, you want to consider putting Toribash in full screen mode or raising the size of the game to 1080p by typing '/re 1920 1080' in the chat. This allows you to further crop the image later on without losing too much quality. Ensure that "lower frame rate cap" is turned off as well, allowing you to record at 60fps. If your computer isn't able to run Toribash at a full 60fps after you've maxed out the settings, there still is a way around it.

The program I use to record my videos is Fraps, though there are other programs out there. I'm not sure if the other programs have this feature but Fraps has an option called "Lock framerate while recording", which is extremely helpful if you want to record Toribash at 60fps even if your computer can't handle it.


As you can see, I have set my framerate to be recorded at 60fps as my computer is able to handle it. However, if your computer runs the game at say 10fps at these settings, you want to turn down the number to something like 5.

What "Lock Framerate while Recording" does is that it forces Toribash to play at a constant framerate which you specify, effectively also slowing down the replay. For example, a replay which is five seconds long at 60fps would be recorded as a 60 second clip at 5fps. After that, you can bring the clip into your editing program and speed it up twelve times so that you get the replay at it's original speed at 60fps.

Of course, if your computer can handle everything easily then you probably don't have to bother about all that.

Some useful commands:

/opt blood 0 (Turns off blood, useful in parkour replays)
/opt bloodstains 0 (Stops blood from pooling on the floor)
/opt bruise 0 (Stops joints from turning red when hit)
/opt hud 0 (Removes information such as points, frames left and the chat; press esc twice in order to get rid of the little gray "game" box)
/opt tori 0 (Makes the tori invisible)
/opt uke 0 (Makes Uke invisible, useful when recording tricking replays
/opt grab 0 (Turns off the little green balls that appear between the object when the tori grabs something)



Now that you've gotten all your replays recorded, you can start with the fun bit! The foundation which you're going to be building the rest of the video on will be your sync. I won't touch too much on this because there are already countless tutorials out there on how to make it look good, albeit in other games such as cod, though the idea behind everything is still the same. Looking up "velo tutorial" will bring up a number of those up.

The idea behind sync is to make the replay match the song, simple as that. You want things such as booms or jumps to happen during, say, a beat of the song. If the song you are using happens to have a drop with a long buildup, a manipulation replay would fit right in.

If you don't really understand, don't worry! Watch a couple of Toribash edits and pay attention to the speed of the replays. Notice how it speeds up closer to the hits and slows down right after?

Here's something crappy I drew for Demon to attempt to explain what it should look like.


Colour Correction
Commonly abbreviated as "CC"

As above, I'm not going to go into a lot of detail on this as there are countless other tutorials out there.

However, the idea behind colour correction is to make the finished product look nicer.


While you can use the effects that already come together with your program, I like to use Magic Bullet Looks. This really simplifies the entire process and gives you a bunch of good presets.

There isn't much I can say about this bit other than to experiment and see what looks good for your video.

Effects: Pan/Crop and Screen Pumps/shakes

This can get a little tricky to learn as everyone ends up having their own style. Pancrop refers to the movement of the camera done in your editing program in order to place more focus on to the tori. I usually use this to keep everything in the middle of my clip if my camera goes off during keyframing and I'm too lazy to correct it. I also dump loads of camera tilts into each video I create in order to give the effect that the camera is more dynamic than it actually is, though many people actually do prefer not to have those tilts so it's really up to personal preference.

When playing around with pancrop it's essential to remember not to bring the camera in too close such that you can't see anything, or to move it too far until you can see the layer behind it (unless that's the effect you were going for). Again, different programs have different methods of doing the whole pancrop thing so you'll have to look up seperate tutorials on those.

Screen pumps and screen shakes also fall under the category of camera effects so I'll address them here. A screen pump is when you zoom in quickly then let the camera slowly zoom out, while a screen shake is, well, the screen shaking. Both of these effects are utilised to emphasise sync as well as to make the video a little more entertaining. I don't use either of these myself that much but they can really add a lot to the edit if done well.


Accepting Comments & Criticism

Okay, you've got your fancy edit all rendered out and stuff and now you feel the need to post it on the art board for the world to see. You're pretty proud of how everything's set up and wait for the praise to roll in but wait- oh no, there's augans tyzi me a random person, coming to crap on your work.

Now before you start an argument with people or completely ignore cnc, you have to realise that nearly everyone is actually giving you valuable information to improve on your next video. All you need to do is filter out the negative stuff and focus on things which matter. If people complain that the camera is too close, it is too close. If they complain that there is no sync/the sync is off, work on it and try to emphasize the sync more the next time, and so on. Don't talk back at people, just read their comment, understand how you can improve, thank them (unless their entire comment is dedicated to flaming you and there's nothing about your video in there, in which case report him/her/it) and move on.


And that's it! It's kind of a wall of text, I know, but I hope that it sounds somewhat legible what with being written at 2 in the morning. Feel free to ask questions or tell me what I missed out, I'll answer as soon I as I can. If you need a billion questions to ask add me on Skype (thisisskip) and I'll see how I can help you.
Last edited by WorldEater; Oct 28, 2017 at 03:46 PM.
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions