Original Post
(Pix) Recruitment

Replay help at the bottom of this page!



Example App 1:

1. ExampleMan
2. ExampleMan123 on Skype, ExMan000 on Steam
3. GMT -5
4. Mercury
5. (ExampleClan), left because they had too many inactive members.
6. I am an artist! I draw sketches for things like forum art, I'm not too good at tori art. I also like to make music, maybe we could have a clan song?
7. I like the theme, the jazzy detective theme. It's really smooth, and I'm glad that a clan exists that has some of the things I really like in it. I've been looking to join a clan for a while, and this seems perfect.
8. ABD, Aikido, and xspar. I'm currently working on improving my running in parkour.
9. 75 (I post a lot, but I don't make events or anything.
10. 90 (I love to play Toribash, I like the game itself, the fighting is intense and it's fun to decorate my character.
11. I like to ski and snowboard when it gets cold, and I sometimes work with abandoned animals at the local shelter. I got into TB from a close friend, who thought I'd like it.
12. 15
13. USA
14. English and a little bit of classroom Spanish. (I want to learn French someday!)
15. ExampleReplay.rpl

Example App 2:

Hi, my name is ExampleMan, and I'm an avid Toribash player. I live in the USA, and I'm 15. I play a lot of games, but TB is my favorite. I generally spend more time ingame than on the forums, but I'd say that I would get a 75 for Forum, and a 90 for Ingame.

My favorite mods to play are ABD and xspar, though I really want to learn how to parkour. My favorite planet is Mercury.

I'm interested in (Pix) because I like the theme it has, it's very smooth and sexy, I love jazz music and I really love detective novels. My favorite ones are the Alex Cross series by James Patterson. I've been looking for a nice clan, and this one seems like the right fit. I am an artist! I do mostly forum art, I'm not too great with Tori art. I'm also pretty awesome when it comes to music!

I ski and snowboard whenever it gets cold enough. I also really like animals, and I go and help at the shelter from time to time. I know English, and a tiny bit of classroom Spanish. Don't expect me to translate anything though! I plan to go to France someday, so I'd like to learn French too.

You can find me on Steam @ ExMan000, or Skype @ ExampleMan123.

I've left some replays here.


If you fail your application, you may re-apply in five days.


Replay Help

Step 1: Open up a post. You should see 'Post Quick Reply' and 'Go Advanced' buttons at the bottom.

Step 2: Click Go Advanced.

Step 3: You should see the headings 'Reply to Thread' and 'Additional Options'.

Step 4: Scroll down to Additional Options and pick the third mini-heading, 'Attach Files'.

Step 5: Click Manage Attachments.

Step 6: A little window should open up. Go to the first button that says 'Choose File'.

Step 7: Click Choose File.

Step 8a: Navigate to the following place in the file explorer. (STEAM)
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Toribash/replay/*yourreplayhere*

Step 8b: Navigate to the following place in the file explorer. (NON-STEAM)
C:/Games/Toribash *yourversionnumber*/replay/*yourreplayhere*

Step 9: Now that you've selected the replay you want, go back to the little window. Check that next to 'Choose File' it now says *yourreplayhere*

Step 10: Click 'Upload'.

Step 11: Complete your post.

Step 12: That's it!


1. I'd like to join because it's a clan and I want a clan.
2. I can give you tc!
3. I can help with wars. (So can anyone, what makes you stand out?)
4. I don't know how to post replays. (It's right above!)


When you first apply you start at 0.

Yes is +1
No is -1
Neutral and Waiting are +-0
That value is r

To get in, r must be greater than 0 after two days.

Example 1

User1 posted an app on May 10th. r = 0.

By May 12th, he had 3 yesses and one no. r + 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 = 3.

3 is greater than 0.

Therefore User1 is in.

Example 2

User2 posted an app on March 1st. r = 0.

By March 3rd, he had 3 nos, 1 neutral and 2 yesses. r + 1 + 1 + 0 - 1 - 1 - 1 = -1

-1 is less than 0.

Therefor User2 is not in.
Last edited by Boerhae; May 17, 2015 at 02:35 AM.
Boerhae, making a glorious return!