Original Post
Toribash/seizures/HELP admin plz read
Alright, im just gonna get to the point, i was playing toribash and something peculiar happened. i just got done killing uke. so i was bored waiting for someone to join a fight server. and i wanted to see if i could copy and paste a welcome thing in the chat. i immediately c/p whatever i had copied into the chatbox, it was a link to the forums of toribash. not spam or anything. and i was repeatedly pasting because my computer is slow and i get mad easily. and so a super fast strobe light happens and it wont stop. this happens every time i log in. i had a seizure twice. which is why i made this. now if its a spam punishment,please let me know, any admins reading this, and i politely ask you remove it because i didnt know.
Help anyone? it happens every time and ive tried reinstalling. please comment any questions or comments
Inquisitively yours. snac mac 081
p.s. the thing i pasted was this: User CP Register Competitions FAQ