Original Post
Head Textures/Sig Manufactorium [Expanded!]
I am opening this head texture/sig shop. Let me explain:

1. I will make head textures not spinning heads or other doodads. I will also make sigs.
2. All transactions will be handled personally to prevent theft. (your head texture will arrive by personal message attachment.)
3. I will be handcrafting heads if you specify that you want me to do so (sample available for download below). This means that i will draw the head by hand and then scan it into photoshop for you to get it. Otherwise, I will create composites from preexisting pictures.
I will try to get an example of my hand drawn work up by the afternoon of Monday, the 21st of May.
For reference about my composite head work, talk to CrazyNinja, or zhao91.
I will make heads for anyone who asks. If you have a preexisting idea, or plan for how you want the head to look, I will make your head for 100c. If you want me to "be creative" and have no ideas, but just want a cool head, then i will charge you 200 creds. and come up with a completely original texture.
Remember the rules of the Marketplace and don't steal, etc. (though this should be almost impossible.)

The composite formed heads (not hand-drawn) should only take me 1-2 business days(more on this later.)
The hand-drawn heads will take me anywhere from a business day or two to over a week. Be patient, this is a creative process after all.

Business hours: Mon.-Fri. 10AM-4PM Eastern Daylight Time.
I will try to notify you all in advance of changes to this schedule.

After i have sent you your head, you are responsible for registering it and paying me promptly (if you don't i will report you.)

Let the ideas flow!

The Emperor Protects!

Caveat: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, be a jackass and ask for impossible stuff. Remember that the picture will be overlayed on a SPHERICAL canvas, so don't expect crazy features.

Expansion: I will now do sigs, these will be unanimated, but i can do POV-ray.

The price for sigs will be 200 creds, flat rate. If it's a particularly hard job, the price will go up by a little bit, if it's easy, I'll cut you a break.

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~