Originally Posted by Koco934 View Post
You need one more yes to be accepted. Your sitting at two yes's and two neutrals if I'm reading the last few pages correctly. If someone would be so kind as to meet up with you ingame I'm sure we could get this all settled out. I personally won't be ingame until around seven hours from now. So yea... If you can get on I can meet up with you myself and see if you can change my neutral to a yes. It's that time okay for you?

I've been in rooms with sdsman, Zexil, and Marc. I have actually been in a lot of betting rooms with Marc, including my own. However, when I played with sdsman I saw him shovel....€=
Originally Posted by sdsman View Post
I'm neutral on chazmasta, I played with him in game and he repeats the same move. It's like he can't practice or make up moves

I actually usually use that move during Striking, because of the extended TurnFrames, I can do the whole 180 Aerial Flip and launch myself at my enemy.

I use a different move when playing Aikido, wephen a do a kick, then (based on the situation) attempt a Suplex or push my opponent out of bounds.
Last edited by chazmasta1; Sep 1, 2015 at 12:41 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump