Originally Posted by bannedRN15 View Post
Dear apex,
Hi my name is trevor and im a 17 year old male from california usa time zone whatever california is. Pacific? hobbies? i dont truly feel i have hobbies like i play video games is that a hobby or more of a free time thing to me though. but on this game im not fairly new i just dont like my old accounts names. and yes i was banned thats why i have this account but it wasnt a serious "crime" or "foul" it was Multiclienting and someone just got offend because i may of said something mean(shout of to bear from VQ for reporting me)((we cool now i think))...... To be honest with you guys what makes you better then most clans i dont know going to be honest i dont know much about you guys and i dont know much about most clans other then newer clans i was in. Im not new to clans but its been sometime since i was serious about clans and i do want to get back in a clan just trying to find the right clan. Why do i want to join apex you ask? well i just want a clan that is serious but does just play the game for the game ya know? like they are serious at the right times. I dont want to say im better then everyone no where near but i am a solid player in judo,akido, and judofrac which is still judo but anything akido and judo

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