Originally Posted by SuBZ3rO3 View Post
WeooWeoo - Because he's chill and likes what I like to. Got me into anime too.

Jaxon - My boi, hung out with him for a week, really cool guy.

Mastertech - Because he's always been there for me.

Zubin/Rune - Also quite a fan of him, called on skype once and we were like soul mates.

Turtle - Had so much fun with him before his namechange. Haven't talked to him since he was back from vacation. Still really like him

Darkexxod - He makes fun of my accent and keeps mentioning he's black. Still talk to him everyday.

Swepples - Really chill guy, likes to kick me from WAPOW and stuff but we're still very good friends.

Smaguris - Cri'd with me when I got kicked from WAPOW and we still hang out.

Smiles4Fre - I owe him my life, he makes me stuff and gives me stuff when I most need him. Never could've made it through without him

Datskip - He's datskip after all, he gave me tips and stays with me when I need him. He's always there for me.

PelaDrome - He made me a free set cuz I was broke. That guy is my bro.

Meeeehhhh - He's my bae, we happen to have the funnies conversations on skype and ingame. I owe him my life too.

Vitta - We used to skype before shit happened. I like that guy alot, he was commenting on my voice being deep and stuff when I was still too young. Good times!

Chilledon - Tricking sensei, I still need to talk to him more but I secretly love him <3 ;)

KillerbotX - We met like 7 months ago and we never stopped talking. He's a reason why I do single player replays.

ChemicalIE - He went so far as giving me a set that someone bid 20k on for 12k . He's a really good friend and I apreciate him being in my life.

DiuwayBuns - He's my bae too, we have the shit laughed out of us when we talk really glad he's my friend.

xXGamerZz - He's my friend and we've skyped alot in the past. His parents don't allow him to skype anymore so yeah, really good buddy of mine.

Zenboi(numbers) : he's important to me because he makes me laugh and cares about me. We play Cards Against Humanity and have alot of fun together

I Might Have Forgotten Some People, If you know we've had good times then PM me or post here

Wow, a lot of friends
Nice history of each one.
Running away...