I feel like crying. You guys are making me want to cry... Although I did just whomp myself over the head with my guitar so thar could be it too.

NYAA - Never Yeilding Anime Addicts was the name.

Also, I agree with Basic. Gohen for spec leader 2k15! He has the perfect vision for this clan, and I think if we put him in power he'll lead us to our promised land. Although, if we were to put him in power I'd want to have a little bit of fun with it and have him inspire a coup that ousts me out of office. Maybe you'll execute me, too?

Anyways, yes, Vegas, I think that you're great for us and I'd love to keep you around. You can consider your trial as good as over.

Edit: Dammit, I failed to ninja Kate. T~T
Last edited by pouffy; Oct 21, 2015 at 04:28 PM.