Original Post
Lost Account
I have my password, I Have my nickname, i have me e-mail, i don't have my account...
So, I lost my account created in 2010 maybe 2009 , and I lost it in 2012 (probably on February, or November i don't remember, but i remember there was a problem with forum at this day, and then it was gone), i know that after 3 years no one cares, but i didnt get help back then, and now I'm back in Toribash, found my old account and saw inbox, that i have items sent from this acc.
This account was very important to me, I had great time back then in this game, but since it's lost, I've never had an account more than Blue Belt.. So I am hoping, if i have messages in my inbox, the data about this account could survive, is there any chance, to get my lovely acc back? Just for memories.