Real Name: Michael
Belt:2nd Dan Black Belt
In-game activity (0-10):10
Forum Activity (0-10):4
Any previous clans and why you left them:None.
Why Mythology:This seems like a very good clan, and it is active as well.
How did you find Mythology: I see their members all around the servers. They caught my attention.
How you can you contribute to us:I think I will be a very good member, because I am very active.
Favorite mods:I have a lot, but I enjoy ABD and Boxshu a lot. I also like to play TK, Mushu, Wushu and Lenshu.
Any bans/infractions?:None.
Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype): Facebook, Michael Anthony Sandiego
Something about yourself:I play Toribash mostly for fun. I don't care I lose, as long as I had fun. But there's always a time where I need to be serious. That's the time I strive to be the best. =)